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Plex Noir Information!

Registration is now open for Plex Noir, the 12th Prairie Lindy Exchange! Plex will be happening in Winnipeg on March 9th - 11th, 2012, and will be a weekend full of dancing with plenty of new faces! The event will feature live music from Solomon Douglas and Robert Bell, a scavenger hunt, contests, a Prairie DJ competition, and a murder mystery! There will be plenty of excitement and intrigue when the clock strikes twelve.

There will be a student registration rate of $60 for UMSwing members who are full time students. Registration and payment must be made by February 23rd, 2012. If you register before January 1st, 2012, you have a chance to win your admission! Registration can be completed on the Plex website (http://plexology.org/register/event-registration/), and payments must be given to Lisa Semchuk, who can be contacted at vpinternal@umswing.ca. Payments can be made in either cash or cheque. Only individuals who have purchased a membership with UMSwing (no drop-ins) will be eligible for this discount.

In return for this discount, we ask that you volunteer at least an hour of your time towards this event. There are several volunteer opportunities available, including set up, decorating, and much more! Events of this scale are not possible without volunteers, so please set aside some time to lend a hand!

For more information, please visit the website at http://plexology.org/.

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