Posted by: Melissa Ricard
Posted on: March 14, 2020
Hello Everyone,
The UMSwing executives have been monitoring changes in the local COVID-19 situation. We had implemented designated times during our lessons to wash or sanitize hands, but as the local situation changed rapidly throughout the day on Thursday March 12th, it became apparent that we must make the responsible decision to cancel our current session of classes. We are saddened that this is the course of action deemed necessary, but our first priority is the health and safety of our instructors, our volunteers, and our members.
This is a difficult situation for UMSwing as our elections for the 2020-2021 executive panel was to be held during the next two weeks and our AGM was to follow on April 1st. We are currently working on a solution and will inform you all once a decision has been made.
Swing dancing is based on physical contact and social interactions with numerous people. As such, it is a high risk activity that we recommend be avoided until the local COVID-19 situation is resolved. We urge you to protect yourself and others by refraining from attending large gatherings and implementing preventative measures against this virus such as diligent hygiene maintenance and practicing social distancing as recommended by the Government of Manitoba.
For more information on COVID-19 and how to take precautions, please visit Manitoba Health at
Message from the President of The University of Manitoba can be found at: https://
Thank you,
UMSwing Executive Team
Posted by: Melissa Ricard
Posted on: January 26, 2020
Hey everyone! Did you miss the Open House but still would like to know about how UMSwing came to be? Check out this article from The Manitoban to learn about UMSwing's humble beginnings!
Posted by: Melissa Ricard
Posted on: January 20, 2020
Hey everyone!
We hope your winter break was as great as ours! UMSwing is swingin' into winter with a jam packed schedule full of music, dancing, and learning. Keep reading for the low down on the best classes, workshops, and live music events in town.
20th Anniversary Open House - January 22nd, 7:00 pm, Multi Purpose Room University Center.
Come and dance during the biggest swing dance party in Winnipeg! We'll have games, prizes, free lessons, choreography, and this year we have live music from the FRC Senior Jazz Band! Bring friends, colleagues, family, and strangers off the street! Or come alone and dance the night away.
We are looking for volunteers to help us with set up, tear down, and welcoming people at the door. Please reach out to us (facebook, email, in person, etc) if you would like to volunteer!
Classes start on January 27 and will run on Monday and Wednesday evenings. We're offering Jive and then Free Practice on Mondays, and Lindy Hop and then Charleston on Wednesdays. Click on our Lessons page above, or keep reading for class times and descriptions. Class locations 202 St. John's College.
Jive - Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:30 with Joseph Pilapil
Jive is a lively dance, easy to learn and fun to do! The quick footwork is composed of simple steps and can be danced to both fast and slow tempos. In swing this dance is typically danced to rock and roll music from the 40's and the 50's. This course will be packed with moves that build on each other, to get the most out of your easy footwork!
Free Practice - Mondays 7:30 - 9:00
This is a time dedicated to all of our students for practice! It doesn't matter which course(s) you are in, just come to the classroom for some free social practice with your peers! Every time you come, bring your Saturday Swingout punch card and we will punch it for you, bringing you one step closer to a free pie!
Lindy Hop - Wednesday 6:00 - 7:30 with Alex Harland
Lindy Hop is the main swing dance style, evolving from dances of the 1920's and 1930's it was at its most popular during the big band era, originating in Harlem, New York. This energetic, expressive dance is danced as a improvised partnership making it extremely fun and constantly surprising to dance - in the best way possible!
Charleston - Wednesday 7:30 - 9:00 with Oli Deans
Charleston can be a very high energy dance, so get ready to sweat! It is often characterized by the kicks which dominate the basic step and can be danced as a partnership or alone as a solo jazz dance. In this class, you will be learning the basics of dancing with a partner, and how to incorporate authentic solo jazz moves into your partner dancing. Develop your dance vocabulary and bridge the gap between partner and solo dancing! This style of swing dance lends itself well to styling, improvisation, musicality, and jam circles.
Don't forget to come to the Open House for exclusive discounts on courses. We'll see you on January 22nd at 7 pm!
Posted by: Melissa Ricard
Posted on: August 25, 2019
Hey everyone!
We hope your summer was as greatas ours! UMSwing is swingin' into fall with a jam packed schedule full of music, dancing, and learning. Keep reading for the low down on the best classes, workshops, and live music events in town.
Tabling! If you feel like dancing and you want to help us out, come down to University Centre during September 17 and 18 from 8:30am-12:30pm to dance at our table and promote UMSwing.
Fall Open House - September 25, 7:00 pm, Multi Purpose Room University Center.
Come and dance during the biggest swing dance party in Winnipeg! We'll have games, prizes, free lessons, and this year we are featuring a special performance by current students and UMSwing alumni. Bring friends, colleagues, family, and strangers off the street! Or come alone and dance the night away.
We are looking for volunteers to help us with set up, tear down, and welcoming people at the door. Please reach out to us (facebook, email, in person, etc) if you would like to volunteer!
Classes start on September 30 and will run on Monday and Wednesday evenings. We're offering Lindy Hop and then Free Practice on Mondays, and Jive and then Blues on Wednesdays. Click on our Lessons page above, or keep reading for class times and descriptions. Class locations 204 St. John's College.
Lindy Hop - Mondays 6:00 - 7:30 with Emily Sinclair
Lindy Hop is the main swing dance style, evolving from dances of the 1920's and 1930's it was at its most popular during the big band era, originating in Harlem, New York. This energetic, expressive dance is danced as a improvised partnership making it extremely fun and constantly surprising to dance - in the best way possible!
Free Practice - Mondays 7:30 - 9:00
This is a time dedicated to all of our students for practice! It doesn't matter which course(s) you are in, just come to the classroom for some free social practice with your peers! Every time you come, bring your Saturday Swingout punch card and we will punch it for you, bringing you one step closer to a free pie!
Jive - Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:30 with Joseph Pilapil
Jive is a lively dance, easy to learn and fun to do! The quick footwork is composed of simple steps and can be danced to both fast and slow tempos. In swing this dance is typically danced to rock and roll music from the 40's and the 50's. This course will be packed with moves that build on each other, to get the most out of your easy footwork!
Blues - Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:00 with Joseph Pilapil
Often danced within the same scenes as swing, Blues is not a swing dance style. Rather, the term "Blues" encompasses a family of dances stemming from African rhythms and movements, and the days of slavery. It flourished in small juke joints and house parties giving it the intimate characteristics which we see today. In Blues dancing the emphasis is mostly on your connection with the music and your partner, and improvisation.
Don't forget to come to the Open House for exclusive discounts on courses. We'll see you on September 25 at 7 pm!
Posted by: Melissa Ricard
Posted on: June 14, 2019
It's almost that time of the year! Come to the amazing UMSwing dance party where you can learn to dance for FREE! There will be dancing, games, and prizes all night! Bring your friends, family, classmates, and strangers (Or be adventurous and come alone!). Don't worry, you don't need to bring a partner! There will be FREE demonstrations of all our classes and ONE NIGHT ONLY discounts on our classes! Make sure to wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle because this will be one hot party!
Second-floor University Centre in the Multi-Purpose Room. You can't miss us, just follow your ears!
Doors open at 6:30pm.
Event starts at 7pm.
Any questions? Just message us on social media, visit our website (, visit us at 172 Helen Glass, or email us at
Posted by: Melissa Ricard
Posted on: March 21, 2019
Hey everyone! The 2018/2019 UMSwing elections are done and it's time to announce the new UMSwing executives for 2019/2020! Our new executive is Melissa Ricard as President, Ricky Miltenburg as Vice President Internal, Kashif Rehman as Vice President External, Adam Gislason as Secretary/Treasurer, and Ashley G. as Director of Publicity and Promotions. Congratulations to the new executive, and thanks to everyone that ran in this election and voted!
Posted by: Melissa Ricard
Posted on: March 4, 2019
Hey everyone!
Have you ever wanted to swing dance? Or are you looking for a night filled with hidden surprises? Now's the perfect time for both! On March 30th, swing down to Ted Motyka's Dance Studio for the masquerade ball of the year! At 8 pm there is a beginner dance lesson where you can begin to unmask the mysteries of swing dance, followed by live music from U of M Jazz students at 9 pm. Buy a ticket today and get $5 off! Regular ticket price is $20 at the door.
Contact us for tickets via:
Facebook- UMSwing Dance Club
Instagram- @umswing
Twitter- @umswing
Or visit us at 172 Helen Glass!
See you there!
Posted by: Alexandra Harland
Posted on: January 7, 2019
Happy New Year Everyone!
We hope your holidays were joyous! UMSwing is swingin' into 2019 with a jam packed schedule full of music, dancing, and learning. Keep reading for the low down on the best classes, workshops, and live music events in town.
Tabling! If you feel like dancing and you want to help us out, come down to University Centre during the week of January 14-18 to dance at our table and promote UMSwing. Stay tuned for exact dates and times.
Winter Open House - January 23, 7:00 pm, Multi Purpose Room University Center
Come and dance during the biggest swing dance party in Winnipeg! We'll have games, prizes, free lessons, and this year we are featuring a special performance by current students and UMSwing alumni. Bring friends, colleagues, family, and strangers off the street! Or come alone and dance the night away.
We are looking for volunteers to help us with set up, tear down, and welcoming people at the door. Please reach out to us (facebook, email, in person, etc) if you would like to volunteer!
Classes start on January 28 and will run on Monday and Wednesday evenings. We're offering Lindy Hop and then Blues on Mondays, and Balboa and then Jive on Wednesdays. Click on our Lessons page above, or keep reading for class times and descriptions. Class locations TBD
Lindy Hop - Mondays 6:00 - 7:30 with Nathan Lee
Lindy Hop is the main swing dance style, evolving from dances of the 1920's and 1930's it was at its most popular during the big band era, originating in Harlem, New York. This energetic, expressive dance is danced as a improvised partnership making it extremely fun and constantly surprising to dance - in the best way possible!
Blues - Mondays 7:30 - 9:00 with Emily Hajer
Often danced within the same scenes as swing, Blues is not a swing dance style. Rather, the term "Blues" encompasses a family of dances stemming from African rhythms and movements, and the days of slavery. It flourished in small juke joints and house partiesgiving it the intimate characteristics which we see today. In Blues dancing the emphasis is mostly on your connection with the music and your partner, and improvisation.
Balboa - Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:30 with Bailey and Lyndon Olfert
Balboa is commonly a fast paced dance although it can be danced to a variety of speeds. The dance is characterized by a chest-to-chest connection between the partners and a quick, 8 count basic step. It features small steps and quick movements which are perfect for dancing to fast music without breaking a sweat. Stay cool and elegant while dancing Balboa! This class is for intermediate dancers who have taken at least one 8 week course before. If you're not sure whether this is right for you, get in touch with us and we can figure it out together.
Jive - Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:00 with Marco Tomasello
Jive is a lively dance, easy to learn and fun to do! The quick footwork is composed of simple steps and can be danced to both fast and slow tempos. In swing this dance is typically danced to rock and roll music from the 40's and the 50's. This class will be packed with moves that build on each other, to get the most out of your easy footwork!
Don't forget to come to the Open House for exclusive discounts on classes. We'll see you on January 23 at 7 pm!
Posted by: Alexandra Harland
Posted on: September 10, 2018
Hey Folks!
A new school year brings a new round of open houses, classes, and teachers! Keep reading for the low down on all of our fantastic lessons this term!
Open House!
September 20, 7 pm, doors at 6:30
Multi-Purpose Room on the second floor of University Centre
A night jam packed with games, free lessons, prizes, demonstrations, dancing, and exclusive class discounts! Bring your friends, family, enemies, and acquaintances for a super fun night with some of the best swing dancers in Winnipeg. People of all ages, backgrounds, genders, and abilities are most welcome! No experience necessary, no partner necessary. But bring a water bottle, 'cause this dance party is going to get HOT
We are offering 4 classes for the Fall 2018 semester, with some stellar instructors. All classes
are 8 weeks long with 90 minutes of instruction per week. They will be held in 202 St John's College, with exception of classes on September 30, November 4, and November 21 (alternate location TBA)
Wednesday Classes - every Wednesday evening starting September 26
6:00pm - 7:30pm: Blues with Emily Hajer
Learn to groove to blues music, this class focuses on pulse, movement, improvisation, and partner connection. Student rate: $40, Non-Student: $45, Drop In: $10/lesson
7:30pm - 9:00pm: Jive with Marco Tomasello
Learn to Hit that Jive with the talented Marco! Jive is easy to learn and fun to do, and you can dance it to fast and slow music. Student rate: $40, Non-Student: $45, Drop In: $10/lesson
Sunday Classes - every Sunday evening starting September 30
6:00pm - 7:30pm - Lindy Hop with Emily Sinclair and Alex Harland
Learn the swing-out, the iconic move of Lindy Hop, the most popular swing dance. This class will focus on partner dancing, swing-outs, and other Lindy Hop moves. Student rate: $40, Non-Student: $45, Drop In: $10/lesson
7:30pm - 9:00pm - Charleston with Will Toni and Josh Peters
Charleston can be a very high energy dance, so get ready to sweat! In this class you will learn basic Charleston partner dancing, and how to incorporate solo jazz moves into solo or other partnered dances. Student rate: $40, Non-Student: $45, Drop In: $10/lesson
Follow UMSwing Dance Club on Facebook at
Follow us on Instagram @umswing
Email us at
Posted by: Alexandra Harland
Posted on: March 6, 2018
The semester is flying by and it's already March, which means it's time for UMSwing elections! You, as students and members, are the future of UMSwing. Being on the executive council takes a lot of work (between 5 and 15 hours a week), but it's very rewarding as well. If you have passion for UMSwing and the swing dance community, we invite you to run for one of our five available executive positions: President, Vice President - Internal, Vice President - External, Director of Publicity and Promotions, and Secretary/Treasurer (please see below for a description of each position)
To run for a position you must be a returning full-time undergraduate student of the UofM, and you must have been a current member of UMSwing within the last two years. If you're not sure whether you fulfill these criteria, talk to one of the exec before applying.
We will be handing out candidate applications during class 5 on March 20 and 21. You will have two weeks to fill out the application and submit it to the returning officer. Voting occurs during class 7 and 8, March 27 to April 4. As a candidate you are expected to give at least one short speech (~30 seconds) at the beginning of classes during the voting period. After the last class on April 4 the returning officer will count the votes and announce the new executive council.
Description of Executive Positions:
The President is the face of UMSwing and is responsible for representing UMSwing during events and to the press. They are responsible for providing leadership to the club and overseeing the planning and execution of all club undertakings, including but not limited to open houses, lessons, social dance nights, workshops, and elections. They act as the chairperson for all meetings, and ensure the rest of the executive council work together.
Vice President Internal
The VP Internal is responsible for communicating with members of UMSwing, including the UMSwing email account, the mailing list, social media, and the website news page. They are the link between the executive and the club members, and organize volunteers whenever they are needed. The VP Internal may also coordinate with the Director of Publicity and Promotions to organize all social events.
Vice President External
The VP External is the primary contact for organizations and individuals outside of UMSwing, such as other community organizers, venues for live music nights, musicians and band leaders, instructors, and more. They reach out to external organizations for promotional opportunities, funding, and alliances. They are the ambassador to UMSU and coordinates with the Director of Publicity and Promotions to run social events.
Director of Publicity and Promotions
Collaborates with the Graphic/Web Designer to create all promotional materials (such as pamphlets, hand outs, posters, buttons, clothing, videos, radio ads, etc). They orchestrate the distribution of promotional material within the UofM and throughout the entire city. They also oversee promotional events such as Student Recruitment Week.They are also responsible for maintaining a list of promotion material distribution sites.
The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for the taking of all meeting minutes, and for managing all paperwork and digital documents pertaining to UMSwing. They prepare a preliminary budget at the beginning of each semester and provides monthly budgets during executive meetings. The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for the integrity of the cash box and must count the cash box before and after each lesson/event, recording the totals. They are responsible for all deposits, paying bills, and archiving all e-statements.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Posted by: Alexandra Harland
Posted on: March 6, 2018
Come celebrate April Fool's by dancing the night away with the fabulous Dixie Beats!
Theme is formal and masquerade, and there will be a prize for best costume/outfit/mask! There will be other opportunities for prizes as well!
The dance is hosted by Saturday Swing Out at Ted Motyka's Dance Studio - 460 Main St, and the door is on the SIDE of the building, not the front (on the south side). Enter through the purple speak-easy door. If you want to come but aren't sure about transportation, we are organizing a car pool! Email to sign up as a driver or as a passenger.
Drop in beginner lesson at 8 pm, live music starts at 9 pm.
$15 in advance or $20 at the door. Looking to volunteer? Send us a message and get in at a reduced price!
Tickets are available from Nathan and Saturday Swing Out, UMSwing (, or from the Answers booth in University Centre at the University of Manitoba
Posted by: Alexandra Harland
Posted on: December 4, 2017
Our first round of classes are over, but we're already gearing up for a fantastic second semester. However, before lessons begin we have a couple of great events coming up:
Swing out the Old and the New! UMSwing presents: Saturday Swing Out
Saturday December 9
The Hub Social Club, 3rd floor University Centre
8:00 - Beginner swing dance lesson
9:00 - Live Band
11:30 - Electro swing DJ J Order
Come down the The Hub on Saturday to dance away Fall Term blues! If you need a refresher, Nathan will be teaching the beginner swing dance lesson starting at 8 pm. At 9 pm a 4 piece live band led by Brad Shigeta will play 3 sets, followed by DJ J Order spinning electro swing and house music.
Tickets are available at Answers in 1st floor University Centre, or get in touch with us!
$10 for current UMSwing students (in advance)
$15 in advance
$20 at the door
UMSwing Open House!
Thursday, February 1, 2018
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Bring all your friends! Tell everyone!
Come check out the open house for free lessons, contests, prizes, demonstrations from our fabulously talented teachers, and ONE DAY ONLY discounts on classes!
If you are interested in volunteering for set up, door shift, and take down shoot us an email letting us know.
We have some exciting classes and teachers lined up for you this semester. Classes will run on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for 8 weeks starting February 6, taking a break for reading week, and ending on April 4.
They will be held in 201 St. John's College
6:00 pm - Jive with Emily Sinclair
7:30 pm - Blues with Joe Pilapil
6:00 pm - Lindy Hop with Nathan Lee
7:30 - Charleston with Jill White and Josh Peters
Classes are $40 each for students and $45 for non students.
Drop in rates are $10 per lesson
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: November 16, 2017
UMSwing is pleased to announce the results from our October 2017 election:
President: Alex Harland
Secretary/Treasurer: Melissa Ricard
Please join me in congratulating our new executive members on their elected positions!
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: October 21, 2017
Are you interested in participating in the UMSwing Executive Committee? UMSwing is currently holding an election for a new President.
To apply, pick up an application form at lessons, available until November 1st. Voting will take place During classes November 4th-15th, with the results being announced at the end of class on November 15th.
The positions available to run for are:
* President
* Secretary/Treasurer (current Secretary/Treasurer Alex Harland is running for the President role, and, if elected, the Secretary/Treasurer role will become available. Alex will retain her current position of Secretary/Treasurer in the event that somebody else is elected to President.)
Brian Turchyn is the Returning Officer for this election. Questions or concerns can be directed to
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: January 31, 2017
March 18th
UMSwing is hosting a fundraiser! In place of saturday night Swing - out on March 18th, 2017 and for those who pockets are to empty to go to PLEX. Cover is free but we will be taking donations in the form of a hand full of coins (recommended donation 2$). Our goal is to fill up Smiles the piggy bank. There will be a dance lesson at 8pm taught by your friendly neighborhood exec. Followed by a ton of dancing in fireside lounge on campus. It is in University Center on the bottom floor it's an open space so if you can't see us you will definitely hear us :)
All proceeds go towards making UMSwing the awesome club that it is, and towards our april 1st event to make it the biggest thing since sliced bread! we will also have tickets for sale!
We will be starting the night with the jumpier tunes perfect for lindy hop, jive, and charleston, then transitioning to blues for later in the night. These are a rough guidelines for the music themes. Want to DJ? 30 minute shifts are available. All you need is your music and a desire to share no experience required. Contact with the type of music you want to play if you want a shift. First come first serve.
April 1st
UMSwing is invading the Saturday Night Swingout April 1st! We do not come empty handed. In our Dance bag is the South's Side Big Band. What could be better than a band for dancing? Themes that's what. This Dance will be a formal masquerade, costume contest included! Prizes, games, and contests are all apart of the fun to be had to this magical night!
Night Schedule
8pm Dance Lesson
9pm Dance + Band
Tickets available March 1st, $15 in advance, $20 at the doors
Get at the Regular Saturday Night Swing Out, ANSWERS at the University of Manitoba in University Center, from any UMSwing Exec, and at UMSwing classes.
Where? Ted Motikas Dance Studio. look for the fox and fiddle on main street. Walk to the backside of the building. Go in the big pink door.
contact for more
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: January 7, 2017
On Tuesdays there is Jive at 6pm and Charleston at 7:30 pm. On Thursdays there is Lindy Hop at 6pm and blues dancing at 7:30. CLass location is room 201 st. Johns college. Student cost for courses is 40$ a course non students 45$ a course. Tuesday lesson dates are January 24, 31, February 7, 14 ,21, 28, March 7, 16. Thursday lesson dates are January 26, February 2, 9, 16, 23 March, 2, and 9.
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: December 27, 2016
Its the most wonderfull time of the year. Its UMSwing openhouse time! January 20th second floor university center in MPR. There will be dancing, games, prizes, and more. Its also your only chance to get discounts on this semesters upcoming classes.
6:30 doors open
7pm Start time.
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: November 21, 2016
Hello, UMswing is setting up some fantastic volunteer opportunities. We noticed that you were really into swing dance this year and we would like you to continue in the new year.
Every year UMSwing does recruitment in university center. We set up a table, play music, dance and hand out swing dance related information. We would like to make an even bigger presence this year. We are setting up a program where if you to 10+ hours of volunteer work with us you will get a free dance course as our way of saying thanks.
The hours we require help are 9:30am - 3pm January 9 - 13 and January 16 - 20. There is no limit to how many hours you can clock with us. Clocking 10 hours also counts as volunteer credit and will be put on your transcript if you are a student.
The details of the volunteer work.
Meet in 172 Helen Glass with and exec member for 9:30 carry and set up supplies to tabling location in university center. If you do not sign up for this time meet at the table.
10-3 swing dance, hand out dance related material, and answer any questions related to swing dancing.
3pm cleanup and place all materials back in the UMSwing office.
You can sign up for any amount of hours between these hours. The exec will keep a record of the hours.
Interested? Contact an exec member at with the hours you would like to vollunteer. If you would like to have more opportunities for a free class let us know in our email.
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: November 1, 2016
UMSwing is hosting a city wide dance exchange. Come learn from different solo swing dance instructors form across the city! Come out and learn The Franky Manning Shim Sham, The Stew, Doing the Jive, and catch up on your rueda. The goal is to share the dance knowledge with the whole city.
The only pre-requisite is the knowledge of a Lindy Hop swing-out (only needed for ruedda). Don’t know a swing out? Come out to UMSwing’s Friday night dance lessons we will teach you all you need to know!
In advance (sign up before December 3rd)
students 20$
non Students 30$
Regular Price (sign up on December 3rd)
Students 30$
non Students 40$
Students count as any university or college student !
Interested? To sign up contact an UMSwing exec member. We will be available to sign you up during Saturday night swingout and during regular UMSwing classes on Tuesday and Friday. Feel free to contact me at if none of these options work for you.
follow the Facebook event for up to date information.
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: October 3, 2016
Hello readers of the site! classes will be starting this week. Everything is in room 201 st. johns collage.
Tuesday class dates are
The class dates are October 4, 11, 18, 25, November, 1, 8, 15, 22.
Jive at 6pm
Charleston at 7:30
Friday class dates are
Class dates are October 7, 14, 21, 28, November 4, 18, 25, December 2.
East coast at 6pm
Lindy hop at 7:30
Sign up for the whole 8 week courses
Students 40$ per course
Non student 45$ per course
Droppins 10$
come and dance with me!
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: September 26, 2016
Congratulations to Sara Maglione. They have won our Dance Lesson contest. Winner if you are reading this please contact me to claim your prize.
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: September 19, 2016
Congratulations to Komail Rezaie. They have won our Dance Lesson contest. Winner if you are reading this please contact me to claim your prize.
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: September 12, 2016
Hey Party people. there will be a free dance lesson taught at the Pedway on campus from 12-1pm on wednesday. this is in the space between education and architecture. the rain spot is in MPR which is in university centre. you can also have a chance to win some free dance lessons!
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: September 1, 2016
Hey people who read the site. UMSwing has some new things coming for this school year. We have new dance lessons starting in October! on Tuesday we have Jive @ 6pm and Charleston @ 7:30pm. For Fridays we have East Coast @ 6pm and Lindy Hop @7:30
Each class runs for 8 weeks, locations TBA
Tuesday class dates Oct. 4, 11,18, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22
Friday class dates Oct.7, 14, 21, 28, Nov.11,18, 25, Dec. 2
Student pricing $40 per 8 week class
Regular pricing $45 per 8 week class
Drop-in rate is $10
Don't like these prices? There will be discounts at our open house September 27th in university centre its on the second floor.
Posted by: Jennifer Petrasanta
Posted on: March 27, 2016
I would like to take the time to congratulate and introduce you to the 2016/2017 executives.
President - Jennifer Petrasanta
Vice-President Internal Affairs - Alesta Heese
Vice-President External Affairs - Brittany Adam
Secretary/Treasurer - Jim Turnbull
Director of Publicity and Promotions - Christine St. Martin
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: January 28, 2016
Winter is here! and so are lessons
Blues 6pm
Lindy hop 7:30pm
on Tuesdays
Charleston 6pm
Jive 7:30
on Fridays
In St. Johns collage
Posted by: Christine St. Martin
Posted on: September 29, 2015
This term, we have lots of exciting new course content and teachers to peak your interest!
On Tuesdays (September 29 - November 17)
6:00-7:30 Beginner Lindy Hop (Taught by Nathan Lee)
7:30-9:00 Beginner Blues (Taught by Nathan Lee)
On Fridays (October 2 - November 20)
6:00-7:30 Beginner Jive (Taught by Brian Turchyn)
7:30-9:00 Beginner Balboa (Taught by Michelle Hnyduik and James Trenchard)
Courses (8 weeks of lessons) are $65 for students and $75 for non-students.
With such grand prices and enticing instructors, I dare you to come up with an excuse for not trying swing this term!
Posted by: Emily Sinclair
Posted on: January 7, 2015
Hi there! We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and are coming back to classes, refreshed, and ready to swing because we have a FANTASTIC line up of classes this term!
All classes take place in St Johns College unless otherwise noted on the schedules.
Please note, there will be no classes on Feb 18th due to Reading Week and no classes on March 15th because of the annual Prairie Lindy EXchange.
On Sundays, we will have,
Balboa 1 6:00-7:30, February 1st - February 22nd
Blues 1 7:30-9:00, February 1st - February 22nd
Balboa 2 6:00-7:30, March 1st - March 29th
Charleston 2 7:30-9:00, March 1st - March 29th
***no classes March 15th***
and on Tuesdays, we have,
Jive 1 6:00-7:30, February 3rd - March 3rd
Lindy Hop 1 7:30-9:00, February 3rd - March 3rd
***no classes February 18th***
Jive 1 6:00-7:30, March 10th - March 31st
Lindy Hop 2 7:30-9:00, March 10th - March 31st
Posted by: Emily Sinclair
Posted on: December 19, 2014
Don't have the words to describe how awesome swing is? That's okay because we have a video! Created by the talented Madeline Lavergne, UMSwing's Director of Publicity and Promotions
Watch it on YouTube now!
Posted by: Emily Sinclair
Posted on: December 18, 2014
Register online for Bring On Balboa at register early to gain neat perks! Once 5 people register we will set up a Collegiate Shag lesson for the weekly Saturday Night Swingout Lesson. Register quick though because after 20 confirmed we have something special planned that we can only arrange if we have enough notice!
For more information on the event itself, check out the previous news post or the facebook event page
Posted by: Madeline Lavergne
Posted on: December 9, 2014
Start off the New Year right with Flying Monkey Swing, Mishy, and UMSwing with Bring on Balboa 2015! A weekend long Balboa Workshop featuring the talented, former Winnipegger, Vicky Yeung! January 24 and 25, 2015!
Payments can be made in person at any UMSwing Event or online at
$80 Full Weekend*
$70 Full Weekend (UMSwing OR SDW Member)
$60 Full Weekend (UMSwing AND SDW Member)
$45 One Day Pass
*Saturday Night Swingout Included in all Full Weekend Passes!
Saturday Jan 24
Workshops (318 1/2 Ross Ave.)
1:20-2:30 Beginner (Bettering Your Basics)
3:00-4:10 Beginner/Intermediate (Tackling the Toss-Out)
4:20-5:30 All Levels (Make it Musical)
Saturday Night Dance at Ted Motyka’s Dance Studio 460 Main Street
Special Balboa Night! Entrance covered in the full weekend pass!
Sunday Jan 25
Workshops (318 1/2 Ross Ave.)
12:00-1:10 All Levels (Fast and Fancy Feet)
1:20-2:30 Intermediate/Advanced (BPM Bootcamp)
3:00-4:10 Intermediate/Advanced (Bal-Rueda Basics))
Go dance some Balboa at Times Change(d) High and Lonesome Club! 234 Main Street.
Bio (a.k.a why Vicky is Awesome)
Hailing originally from Winnipeg, Vicky was a founding member of the University of Manitoba Swing Dance Club (UMSwing), former Club president (for many great years!) and dance instructor from 2001 to 2012. Outside of UMswing, she was not only an avid participant and event organizer in the Lindy scene but also dances West-Coast Swing, Salsa and Country.
Following her move to Québec City in the summer of 2012, Vicky quickly became a regular at École de Danse Port-O-Swing and was chosen for their advance Lindy toupe (The Destroyers) in 2012-2013, which took 2nd place at the Canadian Swing Championships (Professional Division). Last year, Vicky found the world or Rockabilly Jive and placed 1st in 3 competitions plus became part of the Jive troupe, Mercenaires, which placed first at Jive Fest in Montreal. She also began teaching workshops and classes at Port-O-Swing (in French!)
This year Vicky will be taking on many roles: dance teacher, choreographer, coach, dancer, and competitor all in the name of Swing!
Specializing in Lindy Hop, Balboa, Charleston & Solo Jazz, Vicky also loves to teach workshops in Collegiate Shag, The Big Apple & other Jazz choreography, Slips & Slides, Technique & Body Movement, and Musicality!
Destroyers Routine at CSC 2013 (2nd place Pro Division)
Happy Feet Routine at CSC 2014 (4th place Amateur Divison)
Mercenaires (Rockabilly Jive) at CSC 2014
Rockabilly 418 ProAm 2014 (1st place)
Any questions can be forwarded to
Posted by: Emily Sinclair
Posted on: October 7, 2014
Welcome back!
This term, we have lots of exciting new course content and teachers to peak your interest!
On Tuesdays (October 7-November 4)
6:00-7:30 Charleston 1 (Taught by Josh and Marina)
7:30-9:00 Lindy Hop 1 (Taught by Wes and Bailey)
On Tuesdays (November 18 - December 16)
6:00-7:30 Balboa 1 (Taught by Adam and Michelle)
7:30-9:00 Lindy Hop 2 (Taught by Wes and Bailey)
And, on Sundays (October 26 - November 23)
6:00-7:30 Solo Swing (Taught by Nathan)
Courses (5 weeks of lessons) are $35 for students and $40 for non-students.
With such grand prices and enticing instructors, I dare you to come up with an excuse for not trying swing this term!
Posted by: Emily Sinclair
Posted on: September 22, 2014
Every year, UMSwing sets up a booth and dances for the students in University Centre. Most of you are probably aware by now that recruitment week has changed this year, due to this change in we were not dancing for all the new students as they wandered about trying to find their classes. But do not fret because the schedule change has offered us an opportunity to do something exciting!
Dance Your Week Away With UMSwing!
Full schedule to be provided as soon as we lock down some details but here's the low down,
Free lessons, pop-up lessons, late night music, giggles and shouting, showing off, entertaining, sharing and learning.
October 1-7, keep your eyes on our facebook page for updates and volunteer opportunities!
Posted by: Emily Sinclair
Posted on: May 16, 2014
Summer is fast approaching, and with it, some wonderful lesson offers with UMSwing!
On Sundays, May 25-June 22 we have;
West Coast 3 with Debra Ward from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and,
West Coast 1 with Debra Ward 7:30pm to 9:00pm
On Tuesdays, May 27-June 24 we have;
Charleston 1 with Danielle Fogarty and Sebastian Lao from 6:00pm to 7:30pm and
Lindy-Hop 1 with Brian Turchyn from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
One class is $35.00 for students and $40.00 for non-students and every class you add to your membeship after that is given a $5 discount! As well, if you are taking West Coast 3, feel free to drop into our West Coast 1 class for only $5!
See you on the dance floor!
Posted by: Lisa Semchuk
Posted on: April 8, 2014
It is my pleasure to announce UMSwing's Executive Committee for next year.
President - Emily Sinclair
Vice-President Internal Affairs - Elvina Mukhamedshina
Vice-President External Affairs - Katie Dalmaijer
Secretary/Treasurer - Adam Morrison
Director of Publicity and Promotions - Madeline Lavergne
Congratulations to our candidates, and we look forward to another exciting year of UMSwing with you at the helm!
Posted by: Lisa Semchuk
Posted on: January 3, 2014
Happy New Year from UMSwing! And with a new year comes new UMSwing lessons and events.
On behalf of the UMSwing Executive Committee, I’d like to thank everyone who has participated in UMSwing activities over the past year. We’ve especially appreciated your support and patience during our partnership with Recreation Services to offer swing dancing at the University of Manitoba. While we have enjoyed partaking in Recreation Services programming and the use of their facilities, from here onwards the UMSwing Executive Committee has decided to run our swing dance lessons and practices independently.
What does this mean for you, as a member?
- Lessons and practices will no longer be held in the studios of Frank Kennedy Centre. Instead, they will take place in other spaces around campus.
- UMSwing will be in charge of your membership information.
- Membership fees will be set and collected by the UMSwing Executive Committee. UMSwing is a non-profit organization, so prices are meant to cover the cost of an activity, and any excess revenue is cycled back into the club.
Essentially, by returning to running lessons and practices independently it cuts out a middle man in the operation. This autonomous control over our swing dance programming will allow the Executive Committee to make decisions more effectively and in accordance to our deadlines and goals.
This is a big change coming into play for the Winter 2014 term, so if you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at, or check out our website (
Thank you once again for your support of UMSwing, and we hope to see you out on the dance floor soon. Keep your calendars open on Friday, January 17, which will be our Winter Term Open House!
Posted by: Lisa Semchuk
Posted on: April 30, 2013
Swing into Spring with lessons from UMSwing! Starting May 5, we'll be running Jive 1 lessons on Sundays from 6:00 - 7:30 pm, and Solo Swing lessons on Tuesdays from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.
These lessons will be 5-week blocks - the cost for one block is $35, or you can take both for $65! Drop-in fees are $8 per lesson, and will be permitted for the Solo Swing class. Lessons will take place in the Engineering Atrium, except for the first two weeks of Solo Swing (which will be held in front of the UMSwing Office).
Hope to see you there!
Posted by: Adam Morrison
Posted on: April 3, 2013
Congratulations to the new executive committee for 2013/2014:
- President: Lisa Semchuk
- VP Internal: Emily Sinclair
- VP External: Adam Morrison
- Secretary/Treasurer: Justin Blagden
-Director of Publicity and Promotions: Nicola Baldwin
Posted by: Adam Morrison
Posted on: January 10, 2013
Save the date and kick off the UMSwing season with us! Join us for fun and games, a free dance lesson, prizes, and more!
If you're new to UMSwing, this is a great opportunity to try out swing dancing! A free beginner lesson will be taught to get you up to speed and movin' to the groove. No experience is necessary and no partner is required to give swing a try. Just make sure you bring comfortable and clean shoes to dance in.
Dancers new and experienced alike are sure to enjoy this event! Come out for a dance or two, and to get the scoop on the lessons being offered this term! Doors open at 6:30 pm.
Location:Multi-Purpose Room second floor University Centre.
Posted by: Adam Morrison
Posted on: January 2, 2013
Happy New Year from UMSwing! We have a big announcement to share with the beginning of 2013.
Starting in January 2013, UMSwing will be partnering with Bison Recreation Services to provide swing dancing lessons at the University of Manitoba. This means that there will be some changes with how lessons run.
Changes with Lessons
Lessons will now take place Tuesdays 8:15 - 10:00 pm and Sundays 5:00 - 6:30 pm in dance spaces provided by Bison Rec. Registration will take place at the Bison Rec facilities, so please visit the customer service desk at 145 Frank Kennedy Centre or visit
and enter the following corresponding barcodes:
Tuesday classes:
Lindy Hop 1 01-15-2013 - 02-05-2013 8:30PM - 10:00PM
Lindy Hop 2 02-12-2013 - 03-05-2013 8:30PM - 10:00PM
Lindy Hop 3 03-12-2013 - 04-02-2013 8:30PM - 10:00PM
Sunday classes:
Charleston Styles 01-20-2013 - 02-10-2013 5:30PM - 7:00PM
Balboa 1 02-17-2013 - 03-10-2013 5:30PM - 7:00PM
Balboa 2 03-17-2013 - 04-07-2013 5:30PM - 7:00PM
Lessons will be continuing in a 4-week format. The fees for a lesson are payable 4 weeks at a time. No drop-ins will be allowed. However, late registrations may be allowed on the instructor’s discretion.
Club Time
Club time is a 3 hour practice time on Sundays from 2:00 – 5:00 pm. This time is not to be used for instruction, and will only incorporate dance moves that were taught in lessons. The room can be used to practice aspects of swing dancing such as social dancing and choreography. A Safety Officer (likely an UMSwing executive trained in first aid) will be present to supervise club time. The cost to attend this practice time per term is $26 for U of M students, $34 for U of M alumni/staff, and $91 for community members.
Posted by: Adam Morrison
Posted on: November 28, 2012
Just a reminder to everyone that class tonight is in the Multi Purpose Room in University Centre. See you there!
Posted by: Emily Sinclair
Posted on: November 21, 2012
For all those registered for the workshop this weekend, make sure to check out for more details! see you there!
Posted by: Lisa Semchuk
Posted on: November 21, 2012
Swing Dance Winnipeg's workshop this weekend is fast approaching! If you wish to get the UMSwing discount price for the workshop, we must receive your payment of $60 by Thursday, November 22 at 4:30 pm.
Posted by: Adam Morrison
Posted on: October 25, 2012
Sunday October 28th we are starting a set of Lindy Hop 1 lessons! We encourage everyone to come on down on Sunday at 7:00 PM at Hanley Hall (st. Pauls College at the University of Manitoba). Cost for lessons will be 25$ for the entire block.
It's going to be a ton of fun, we hope to see you there!
Posted by: Adam Morrison
Posted on: September 10, 2012
Get ready to kick off another year of UMSwing at our Fall Open House! There will be a beginner lesson to help you get the moves down, plus games, prizes, demonstrations, and social dancing!
The event is FREE and no partner or previous dance experience is required! The only things you need to bring are a pair of comfortable shoes to dance in, a water bottle, or a few friends.
Also as part of our Open House, we'll be launching our new t-shirts! More details, including when the t-shirts will be available for sale, will be given closer to the event.
See you there!
Posted by: Lisa Semchuk
Posted on: July 6, 2012
Our July lesson track will be starting up soon! Starting on July 8th, we'll be offering Charleston and West Coast Swing for another fabulous four-week track of swing dance lessons.
Charleston will be taught by Danielle Fogarty and Sebastian Lao. Charleston lessons will be on Sundays from 7:30 - 9:00 pm. West Coast Swing will be taught by Debra Ward and the lessons will be on Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9:00 pm. Lessons will begin promptly at 7:30 pm, so please arrive early in order to sign in.
Membership prices will be the same as last term - $25 for a single class, or $35 for both classes. The drop-in fee is $8 per lesson.
Our first lessons will be held in front of the UMSwing Office (172 Helen Glass). As the locations of lessons may be subject to change, please check our website - the main page will have that information listed.
Hope to see you there!
Posted by: Adam Morrison
Posted on: May 31, 2012
Hey Everyone,
As you may know, we're kicking off our summer lessons with some Beginner Lindy Hop on June 3, the location has been changed to the UMSwing office, located at 172 Helen Glass. We hope to see you all there!
Posted by: Lisa Semchuk
Posted on: May 22, 2012
You've been waiting patiently, and here it is at last! Summer Lessons with UMSwing will begin on Sunday, June 3rd! Our first block of four-week lessons will offer Lindy Hop 1 on Sundays from 7:30-9:00 pm, and Balboa 1 on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm. Brian Turchyn will be joining us again to teach Lindy Hop 1, and Bal enthusiasts Adam Morrison and Lisa Semchuk will be our instructors for Balboa 1.
Membership prices are $35 for both classes or $25 for a single class, and drop in rates are $8 per lesson. Lessons will be tentatively held in the Engineering E2 Atrium. Hope to see you all out for lessons this summer!
Posted by: Adam Morrison
Posted on: May 8, 2012
The results of the election are in and as follows:
- President: Adam Morrison
- Vice-President Internal: Lisa Semchuk
- Vice-President External: Justin Blagden
- Secretary/Treasurer: Emily Elizabeth Sinclair
- Publicity and Promotions: Erin Prokopanko
Congratulations to everyone!
For all you keen dancers out there, check back within the next two weeks and we'll have our summer course schedule as well as some fun events.
Posted by: Lisa Semchuk
Posted on: January 5, 2012
Student Group Recruitment Week
Drop by University Centre from January 16th - 20th for Student Group Recruitment Week! UMSwing will have a table set up, so drop by for a few dances to help promote our club! If you are interested in volunteerting to help supervise our promotional table, please contact Lisa Semchuk at
Winter Open House
Join us on Friday, January 20th, from 7:00 - 11:00 pm for our Winter Open House! Swing by the Multi-Purpose Room, 2nd Floor University Centre for a fun-filled evening of dancing. No partner required, no experience required, and best of all, it's FREE. Just bring a pair of shoes that are comfortable to dance in, and be prepared to have a great time! If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Lisa Semchuk at
Winter Lessons
UMSwing winter lessons will begin on Sunday, January 22nd at 6:30 pm. The lesson schedule for the term is as follows:
Intermediate Lindy Hop - Sundays from 6:30-8:00 pm
Beginner Lindy Hop - Sundays from 8:00-9:30 pm
Intermediate Balboa - Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm
East Coast Swing - Wednesdays from 8:00-9:30 pm
Pricing for memberships are as follows:
Drop-in Rate - $8 per lesson.
Single Class Membership - $50. This is ideal if you are only available to attend one class on one day.
Beginner Membership - $80. This memberships covers both beginner lessons.
Intermediate Membership - $80. This membership covers both intermediate lessons.
Intermediate Plus Membership - $90. If you attend the Intermediate Lindy Hop class, you may attend the Beginner Lindy Hop class for free. With the Intermediate Plus Membership, you can attend both intermediate and both beginner classes.
Posted by: Lisa Semchuk
Posted on: December 21, 2011
Registration is now open for Plex Noir, the 12th Prairie Lindy Exchange! Plex will be happening in Winnipeg on March 9th - 11th, 2012, and will be a weekend full of dancing with plenty of new faces! The event will feature live music from Solomon Douglas and Robert Bell, a scavenger hunt, contests, a Prairie DJ competition, and a murder mystery! There will be plenty of excitement and intrigue when the clock strikes twelve.
There will be a student registration rate of $60 for UMSwing members who are full time students. Registration and payment must be made by February 23rd, 2012. If you register before January 1st, 2012, you have a chance to win your admission! Registration can be completed on the Plex website (, and payments must be given to Lisa Semchuk, who can be contacted at Payments can be made in either cash or cheque. Only individuals who have purchased a membership with UMSwing (no drop-ins) will be eligible for this discount.
In return for this discount, we ask that you volunteer at least an hour of your time towards this event. There are several volunteer opportunities available, including set up, decorating, and much more! Events of this scale are not possible without volunteers, so please set aside some time to lend a hand!
For more information, please visit the website at
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: September 8, 2011
Hey everyone! Summer is over and it's time to get swingin'! Join us for our Fall Open House.
Date: September 23rd @ 7pm
Multi-Purpose Room, 2nd Floor University Centre
Activities will include:
- a free dance lesson,
- demonstrations,
- games,
- and plenty of social dancing!
No partner or dance experience required, just bring a pair of comfortable shoes to dance in.
Leave plenty of space on your dance card, and be prepared for a swing-tacular night!
Facebook event:
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: July 6, 2011
Week 1: Framework and Momentum
- understanding points of connection
- frame dos and don'ts
- where/how to generate power
- conserving energy
Week 2: Musicality
- understanding musical phrasing and breaks
- stops and travels
- making stuff up, forget about the feet
- tempo rubato
- swivels!
Week 3: Footwork
- fancy steps and footwork variations
- the art of fudging feet (aka faking it)
- balance and travel techniques
- more swivels!
Week 4: Cool Moves and Armwork
- we'll take a break from technique and do some neat moves instead
- nah just kidding, there will be specific techniques here too
- just what the heck do we do with this free arm during swingouts?
Week 5: Hijacks, Steals and Switches
- follows will learn to momentarily take control, leads will learn to let them
- techniques to change lead/follow roles in mid-dance
- assuming we've done a steals workshop by this point, we'll cover some more options
Week 6: Framework and Momentum 2
- technique grind
- how to redirect momentum without losing energy
- the untechnique grind... aka "get out of the way" is the only thing that matters
- mirror swingouts, the fine line between technique and muscle memory
Week 7: Speeding Things Up
- techniques for fast lindy
- alternative footwork
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: June 21, 2011
Due to a scheduling conflict, we will be having our Wednesday, June 22nd class in front of the UMSwing Office @ 172 Helen Glass Centre. Please call Brian if you need directions!
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: June 8, 2011
Just a reminder that classes for Wednesday, June 8th is in Engineering room 229, which is just by the elevators in the main engineering building. See you tonight!
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: April 17, 2011
It is my pleasure to announce the election results from our 2011-2012 UMSwing executive election:
- President: Brian Turchyn
- Vice-President Internal: Lisa Semchuk
- Vice-President External: Adam Morrison
- Secretary/Treasurer: Sebastian Lao
- Publicity and Promotions: Erin Prokopanko
Stay tuned for our summer course schedule, coming soon!
Posted by: Sebastian Lao
Posted on: January 31, 2011
The Prairie Lindy Exchange or PLEX as it is more commonly known is the biggest dance exchange our club regularly participates in together.
This year our friends in Edmonton are hosting the exchange on the weekend of March 11th to 13th and they have done a great job in the past.
The official website is:
Please visit it for more information on the event.
The weekend is stock full of dancing, awesome live music, social events, and usually workshops. The dancers in our community are very friendly and encourage all levels of dancers to participate. So if your new to the scene please don't be discouraged. If you happen to be taking lessons with us (particularly our beginner Lindy Hop) you will know enough by March 11th to participate in this exchange.
Traditionally our club arranges for people who would like to attend the exchange with us. This makes transportation easier. We car pool together to Edmonton and split into groups for housing (The host city arranges for us to stay with fellow dancers for the weekend).
If you want to attend the event on your own please view their website and follow the instructions accordingly.
If you want more information or to travel and attend the exchange with UMSwing please contact me as soon as possible at:
Please use an e-mail you check often and leave your name and phone number. It takes time to arrange everything at both our end and with our friends in Edmonton so please don't wait too long!
This is a great way to travel, make new friends, meet new dancers, and greatly improve your abilities!
Sebastian Lao
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: January 17, 2011
That's right -- it's time for our bi-annual open house. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or have never danced a single step before in your life, we want YOU to come and get your swing on and join an amazing community of friendly, relaxed people of all ages.
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: October 13, 2010
Just a friendly reminder that Wednesday classes tonight are in the Engineering Atrium and NOT in Hanley Hall tonight. See you then!
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: October 5, 2010
WOW! We had almost 40 people at our lesson on Sunday! That's a phenomenal turnout! Thanks to everybody who showed up; I hope you enjoyed yourselves.
Just a reminder that our Wednesday classes kick off tomorrow, October 6th @ 7pm in Hanley Hall (St. Paul's College). See you all there!
Drop-in for just $6/lesson, or purchase a two-course membership for $50 or a full membership for $80, and save up to $160 off the cost of lessons!
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: May 18, 2010
Hey everybody!
Just a quick reminder that our lessons start tomorrow, May 19 @ 7pm in the EITC Atrium. See you all there!
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: May 1, 2010
Our summer 2010 schedule has tentatively been announced. Please see our courses page to see which courses we are teaching, or our events calendar to see everything in a calendar format.
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: April 12, 2010
Congratulations to the new executive committee for 2010/2011:
- President: Brian Turchyn
- VP Internal: Tanis Joy
- VP External: Jason Rosenberg
- Secretary/Treasurer: Sebastian Lao
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: March 27, 2010
Just a reminder that elections are currently being held for UMSwing Executive Committee positions for 2010/2011.
Who is eligible to vote?
If you have held a membership during any semester from May 2009 to April 2010, you are eligible to vote. Note that this does not include those who simply dropped in to lessons but did not purchase or upgrade to a membership.
When can I vote?
You can vote at any lesson up until April 9, 2010. If you cannot make it to the lessons but wish to vote, please contact us and we will put you in contact with Nathan, who is overseeing our election.
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: February 24, 2010
Found it hard to figure out when classes are?
Just take a look at our new event calendar, where it displays all upcoming events and lessons. Just click on the lesson or event to pull up the details.
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: February 21, 2010
- No outside alcohol is permitted. Drinks purchased upstairs at the bar may be brought downstairs (and indeed is encouraged, since giving them business is always a good idea).
- Bring your own water bottles instead of asking for cups from upstairs.
- Outdoor shoes must be removed at the door and placed against the back wall. Shoes must not impede traffic to any exits as per fire regulations.
- The Legion has asked that we park our cars on the street or in the adjoining lots, in order to reserve their lot for their older clientele. Carpooling is recommended.
- If you make a mess, clean it up (crumbs, wrappers, etc).
- All tables and chairs must be returned to their original positions by the end of the night.
- All bottles and glassware must be returned upstairs.
- Please be mindful of the dress code at the Legion.
And now for the big issue: For the past several years the Legion has very graciously allowed us to use their space free of charge. We started as a small and developing scene, and since then (this past year especially) have grown into a large and steady crowd. Unfortunately, with our increasing numbers comes an accordingly larger amount of wear and tear to the room. I have spoken with the management several times about this issue, and while they wish to continue to support us, the cost of room maintenance is unavoidable. We are not required to pay rent just yet, but it may become a possibility in the future. In preparation of such, I will be setting up a "tip jar" each week. Donations of $1 or $2 or whatever coinage you have would be highly appreciated, and all funds collected will go towards maintenance.
The crux of the matter is that we use up a lot of space, but as a dancing crowd we typically do not drink and thus don't bring in much business. Patronizing the bar upstairs and leaving the parking lot available for their paying customers will help keep the management happy.
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: February 20, 2010
Elections for the 2010/2011 Executive Committee are coming soon! If you are interested in running for a position, please view UMSwing's constitution here and submit the form in Appendix C1.
Applications must be in by March 16th, and should be handed in at our office (172 Helen Glass) or directly to an executive committee member. Voting will be held over the last week of classes.
Posted by: Sebastian Lao
Posted on: February 17, 2010
Hey there everyone,
Some of you might not have heard the announcements in class but next month will be the "Tenth Prairie Lindy Exchange" or XPlex.
This is an event that takes place once or twice a year in a prairie city, this year we're headed to Saskatoon. The event runs March 12-14.
The event costs $70 plus gas money and food. Usually your taken care of by a foster swing family so housing has been free in the past.
If your interested in going please make sure you get in contact with Sebastian before Monday, Feb. 22nd as we are running out of time!
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: February 8, 2010
A reminder that our 10th year anniversary party, "10 Years And Still Swingin'", is coming up in only 4 days!
9 Hours of Dance
2 Live Bands
5 of Winnipeg's Best Swing DJs
1 Epic Event
Our 10th anniversary event, 10 Years And Still Swingin', is coming up on February 12th, 2010 @ 8pm-5am. The event is at Patricia's Dance Studio. We have two live bands coming in: Nightfall, and The Rowdymen. Tickets are $20 in advance, $30 at the door.
To purchase tickets online, click here:
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: February 4, 2010
9 Hours of Dance
2 Live Bands
5 of Winnipeg's Best Swing DJs
1 Epic Event
Our 10th anniversary event, 10 Years And Still Swingin', is coming up on February 12th, 2010 @ 8pm-5am. The event is at Patricia's Dance Studio. We have two live bands coming in: Nightfall, and The Rowdymen. Tickets are $20 in advance, $30 at the door.
To purchase tickets online, click here:
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: January 30, 2010
Hey everybody! Just a quick reminder that lessons are starting this Sunday, January 31st @ 7pm. We're starting off with Solo Swing at 7 with Vicky, then Beginner Jive at 8 with Keith.
If you did not register a membership with us at the open house, please come 10-15 minutes early so that we can get your account set up.
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: January 10, 2010

That's right; it's that time of year again. It's time for our bi-annual open house. This year, it will be taking place on Thursday, January 28 2010 at 7:00pm. As always, it's a free event to attend, and a great opportunity to dance and meet up with some of your old friends. We'll be giving away some great prizes, and we're hoping to have a jazz quartet performing during the night. We would love to ring in UMSwing's 10th year with a huge open house! An event will be up on Facebook soon, so invite all of your friends to that.
As always, the open house requires volunteers to help things run along smoothly. If you have an hour that you'd be able to set aside to help with the setup, takedown, or the tables during the open house, we would very much appreciate it. As always, we'll be buying our volunteers pizza the night of the open house as our way of saying thanks.
Posted by: Brian Turchyn
Posted on: January 5, 2010
If you can see this message, congratulations! You can now see our new-and-improved UMSwing site.
The new site has been developed on Ruby on Rails, and we'll be adding content to it constantly. If you join UMSwing, you'll have access to all of your attendance information when you log in to the site. Your member number will be given to you when you come to the first lesson.