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Promotion Day

Starts: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 @ 11:00 AM
Ends: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 @ 05:00 PM
Coordinator: Brian Turchyn

Hey Guys,
as UMSwing's summer classes are about to begin, its time for some MASS promotion.
We are looking to promote in the following areas of the city (but are open to suggestions)
- U of M
- U of W
- Harlequin costume and dance
- Baked Expectations
- Forks

Along with putting up tear offs, on UMSwing promotion day, please update you facebook status to promote our club.
If you are a new, a regular, a drop in, an alumni, an instructor or you just think we are cool, your support is greatly appreciated.

Please join me and promote UMSwing by meeting at our office located at 172 Helen Glass (U of M.) From there we will form teams and head out.
If you are not able to make it for the whole day, don't sweat it! Any contribution of your time is greatlly appreciated. Message me your availability and I will see about getting you on a team in the right area that you can just meet up with.

Thanks again guys.

After we are done putting up fliers and randomly dancing everywhere, does supper together sound like a plan? :D